Heading to Breckenridge for a ski trip? Getting out to enjoy some biking? Just headed to the mountains? Get to Know Breckenridge can be your guide! With restaurants, shopping, recreational activities, and historical destinations you can fill your time with some great information. Once youve visited a place, you can mark it as visited with the "Im HERE" button. There are pictures and facts for each location. Direct links to the websites as well as phone numbers if you need to call. And dont forget maps to show you how to get there. Sort places by name, category, or proximity in the "Got To Know" section as well.
Look for updates with new places. Each section is limited to 10 locations, so dont be upset if your favorite restaurant or store isnt there. Locations will be rotated from time to time to ensure the businesses in here dont get lost. As more get added, all will appear in the *got to know* section, while the *get to know* section will be limited.